Actually Remembering Brown v. Board of Education
…an by doing the same. * * * For Brown Day reading, here are the decisions: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (and companion cases from Delaware, South Carolina, and Virginia — the State cases); and Bolling v. Sharpe (from the District of Columbia — the Federal case). And click this link to get to relevant pieces in the Jackson List archive, including: from 2010, “May 17, 1954”; from 2011, “Brown Day,” about winning attorney Thurgood Ma…
…nue, as you do [thank you!], to read. Here are the decisions in text form: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (and companion cases from Delaware, South Carolina, and Virginia—the State cases); and Bolling v. Sharpe (from the District of Columbia—the Federal case). And click this link for relevant essays in the Jackson List archive, including: from 2010, “May 17, 1954”; from 2011, “Brown Day,” about Brown-winning attorney Thurgood Marsha…
…otection landmarks (Sweatt v. Painter; McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents; Brown v. Board of Education). Thurgood Marshall was one of the Supreme Court advocates who Robert Jackson admired, greatly. Marshall’s colleague Robert Carter told me that Justice Jackson was consistently an NAACP friend on the bench—by which Carter meant someone with a clean heart and an open mind. Robert Jackson would detest any race-based thought that Ketanji Jackson doe…
…eard, over three days, the first round of oral arguments in the five cases—Brown v. Board of Education and its companion cases—that challenged the constitutionality of States and the District of Columbia racially segregating public school children. During those months, Justice Jackson kept his law clerks Cronson and Rehnquist busy. They wrote memoranda on petitions seeking Court review, performed research, and read and commented on Jackson draft o…