Petitioning the Supreme Court to Excuse a Staff Party (1951)

…case (“No. __”) document that was being circulated among the Justices for review and decision. The petition sought, in effect, permission for the fun that the group was in the process of having on October 4, 1951. Maybe it was a document at-the-ready, to use later with any Justice who learned of the party and objected. Mrs. Douglas, at least, was a supporter of Daniels’s petition. Of course she was—it was her party. Ever organized, she kept a copy…

Encounters with British Royalty

…ving and working in Jamestown, attended, with his wife Irene—a Kingston [ba-dum-bump], New York, native—an American Bar Association week-long meeting in London with the English Inns of Court, the Law Society, and the Canadian Bar Association. On July 24, 1924, the Jacksons were among many guests who attended a garden party that King George V and Queen Mary hosted at Buckingham Palace. The Jacksons’ next brush with British royalty occurred in Washi…

Supreme Court Justices, Back from Summer Recess

…tly until Oct 14, 1940 so that we could have a series of [private, justices-only] conferences to pass on the petitions and appeals which had come in during the summer. I am anxious to get back to work after the long vacation. I saw [U.S. Secretary of the Interior] Harold Ickes, who said “I suppose you have been working hard all summer.” “Work?” I asked. “Why, it did not take me more than two weeks out of four months [of recess] to do [sic—go] over…

Eleanor Jackson Piel (1920-2022)

…y this idea is more amusing than true. I know that if the U.S. today is closer to its egalitarian ideals, that progress is due to the work of heroes like Eleanor Jackson Piel. * * * Some links— Today’s New York Times obituary:; Video of a 2013 television interview: A 2009 Berkeley Law profile:…

Paternal Advice about War, Law, and Peace (December 8, 1941)

…law practice were for him. He regarded his first year of law school as a no-commitment experiment. He considered military service as one alternative to law school, but it was not an option. Bill had registered for the draft, but he then had flunked the Selective Service physical due to poor eyesight, a knee injury, and his lanky, underweight build. But now, as of December 7, 1941, his country was at war. In his telephone call to his parents that S…

Supreme Court Chambers Door Nameplates

…erve as a justice on June 30. She worked through the rest of the summer in preparation for the coming term. Justice Jackson’s investiture ceremony was last Friday. This morning, she, with colleagues, took the bench for the first time to hear oral arguments. In conjunction with Justice Jackson’s investiture, people who visited the Supreme Court took photographs of her chambers (office) door, and specifically her “JUSTICE JACKSON” nameplate, and the…